Holistic Doula

Providing personalized holistic support for Black and Brown women and their families throughout the entire reproductive journey.

"The journey of childbirth is a rite of passage, a powerful transformation that binds us to generations of women who have carried the legacy of resilience and strength. In every contraction and every breath, we honor their stories and write our own."

-Chinaka Hodge

Hey sis!

I’m Prosparetti, a full-spectrum doula serving both in WA and virtually. I am deeply grateful for your interest in this journey together. Hiring a doula is a deeply personal choice, and I am honored that you are considering me to be a part of your experience. I am here to hold space for your truth,celebrate your cultural heritage, and honor your unique journey with unwavering support.

As a doula dedicated to supporting Black and Brown familes, I understand that our joys and challenges are often overlooked or minimized in a world that doesn’t always hear our voices. In a world where being a Black or Brown can feel especially heavy, where we often find ourselves not fully seen or heard, here, you are seen.

If you choose to work with me, my hope is that you feel valued and cherished. This space is dedicated to nurturing you—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. My intention is to offer gentle guidance and the tools you need to navigate your reproductive journey with peace, joy, and confidence. You deserve a space where your mind, body, and spirit are held with the utmost respect and love.

Together, we will ensure that your experience is fully embraced and celebrated. Your well-being is at the heart of what I do, and I am here to support you every step of the way!

What is a doula?

A doula is a non-medical, trained professional who provides physical, emotional, informational, and advocacy support throughout the reproductive journey. In Black and Brown communities, the role of the doula is deeply rooted in tradition, where Indigenous doulas, often elder women, offered care that was not only practical but also spiritual and culturally resonant. These women carried the wisdom of birth practices passed down through generations, using traditional techniques and rituals to support mothers during labor. Today, modern Indigenous doulas honor this legacy, blending cultural knowledge with contemporary practices to create a safe and empowering birthing experience. As your doula, I will stand beside you every step of the way, offering continuous, regardless of the decisions you make or how your plans may evolve.

Our Services

  • Birth doula support includes comprehensive care for the birthing person and their family before the baby is born, during the birth itself, and in the immediate postpartum period. Whether you're planning a home birth, hospital birth, or birth center birth, a doula can be an invaluable asset. This support includes personalized birth planning, continuous physical and emotional support during labor, and assistance with early postpartum recovery.

    As with all of my packages, this support package is fully customizable and available virtually.

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  • Postpartum doula support focuses on the immediate postpartum period, providing physical, emotional, and informational support as you transition into parenthood. My goal is to ensure you feel cared for and supported as you adjust to life with your new baby.

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    As with all of my packages, this support package is fully customizable and available virtually.

  • Integration of mind-body practices such as mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and restorative yoga, this package offers a nurturing environment that respects your body’s wisdom.

  • One-on-one planning sessions, we work with your preferences to create a personalized plan for your birth and postpartum journey. This might include crafting a birth plan, preparing for postpartum and early days with your baby, or a combination of both. These sessions are ideal for ironing out specific details and ensuring you feel prepared and confident.

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    As with all of my packages, this support package is fully customizable and available virtually.

Why choose i hear you sis?

  • Preparation

    Empowering you with both knowledge and support is at the heart of our care. Our process involves understanding your birth preferences and hopes for the postpartum period. We provide detailed information about each stage of your pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum journey, ensuring you feel confident and well-informed to make the best decisions for yourself and your baby. We are ready to answer any questions you might have, whether through straightforward answers or by providing curated resource lists, connections, and referrals to local resources, or further research on your behalf.

  • Support

    We want you to feel supported and cared for no matter where you are in your reproductive journey. We offer emotional, physical, and informational guidance designed to respect your autonomy and honor your body’s wisdom. Our aim is to create a nurturing environment where you feel seen, heard, and validated so that your needs and preferences are respected and communicated. You deserve to feel safe and comfortable throughout pregnancy and postpartum. I make it a priority to get to know you and to ensure that you receive the quality care and support that you need and deserve.

  • Holistic Care

    Our approach promotes a holistic view of health and well-being throughout pregnancy, respecting your body's wisdom and encouraging trust in its natural capabilities during pregnancy and childbirth. Emphasizing the power of the mind-body connection, we prioritize body-centered practices like mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and restorative yoga. These practices, combined with emotional support, can foster self-awareness and reduce stress, that can create a nurturing and balanced journey through pregnancy and into motherhood.

What can i expect if i work with a doula?

What is a doula?

A doula is a non-clinical trained professional providing physical, emotional, informational, and advocacy support throughout the childbirth process. In traditional Black and Brown communities, Indigenous doulas, often elder women, offered holistic care rooted in cultural and spiritual practices with knowledge of birth practices passed down through generations. They provided continuous support during labor using traditional techniques and rituals. Today, modern Indigenous doulas continue this legacy, integrating cultural wisdom with contemporary practices. Prosparetti currently offers in person (WA only) and virtual,pregnancy, birth, and postpardum doula services.

What Does a Doula Do?

As your doula, my goal is to provide comprehensive support tailored to your unique needs. The role encompasses informational, physical, emotional, and advocacy support to ensure you feel empowered and cared for throughout your childbirth journey.

Informational Support

Together, we navigate your questions, explore curated resource lists, and connect you with local resources. Whether it's during pregnancy, labor, or postpartum, we work to ensure you understand every aspect of the process. The aim is to empower you with knowledge so you feel confident and informed. Postpartum, support extends to answering questions about both your recovery and your baby's well-being.

Physical Support

Physical support is a cornerstone of doula services, regardless of the type you seek. Assistance with positioning, massage, counter-pressure, and other hands-on techniques during labor helps alleviate discomfort and facilitate labor progress. Postpartum, support includes help around the house, assistance with baby care, and guidance for your physical recovery. The birth support team is also prepared to provide effective physical support according to your preferences.

Emotional Support

Emotional support means being present for you, no matter what you're feeling. By listening, validating your experiences, and helping you strategize through any challenges, we create a supportive space for you to express yourself. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are significant life transitions that can bring up a range of emotions. The goal is to provide non-judgmental, supportive care and connect you with additional resources if needed. Emotional support begins the moment we start working together and continues at every stage.


Advocacy ensures that your needs and preferences are respected and communicated. By getting to know you, understanding your non-negotiables, and how you wish to be supported, together we develop strategies for self-advocacy and involve your support team effectively. As a doula, the priority is to make sure you feel seen, heard, and supported throughout your experience.

Why Choose a Holistic Doula?

Choosing a holistic doula means embracing care that considers your entire being—mind, body, and spirit. Integrating traditional wisdom with modern practices, focusing on the interconnectedness of all aspects of your health. This holistic approach includes body-centered practices such as yoga, self-care plans, and somatic healing techniques, all aimed at nurturing your overall well-being during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. By choosing a holistic doula, you receive personalized, culturally sensitive support that honors your unique journey and promotes healing and empowerment at every step.